Monday, May 2, 2011

We bought a house

Miserable in my current job and my current home in Atlanta, GA my husband sent out back up north to our homeland and went searching in Pittsburgh. After some digging he found a "revitalizing" (not gentrifying) community and a steal, so we bought it.

My husband left me one weekend in February and drained out bank account, purchasing us this little baby for 10,000 dollars. That, my friends is less than our Honda fit cost us...

Isn't she a beaut? We lost our better quality camera (still a point and shoot) and had to use our more grainy less sophisticated camera (and photographer, I was not present) to take the photo's of the inside, but still... I am a proud momma

 Standing in the dining room look at the living room (we are considering having the dining room be the living room and the living room be the library)

Isn't the radiator awesome?

 this has both doors, note the ugly brick on the fireplace

small and only bathroom :( Any ideas?

I have two attic rooms (7 feet in the center so deemed livable space...)

upstairs hallway 
tiniest backyard ever

We own her free and clear, unlike the house we are currently residing in in Atlanta...

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